Join KAILASA this weekend for another scintillating webinar on decoding time and space.
Is time travel possible ? Can I alter my past ? Can I gain control over time ? How did the Hindu sages alter the law of physics to visit other universes access the vertical timezone ?
Have your questions answered in this webinar !
In addition, have your personal queries answered by The SPH directly in this live conclave !
When space dimension enters into time, time literally manifests everything that space wants and when time dimension enters into depth, depth manifests everything that time wants.
''I will give you all 108 great gifts I brought from Kailasa - DNA of Paramashiva, Paramashivatva, Completion, Paramashiva’s state, space, powers, every dimension I brought I will give it as an experiential initiation to all of you through these webinar''
-The SPH
pauṣkarāgamaḥ vidyāpādaḥ, pāśa paala samāpta :
नाकाले जायते कश्चिन् नाकाले म्रियतेपि च॥ ४९
चक्रादिवघटोत्पत्तौ तस्मात् कालः प्रवर्तकः।
घटस्संजायमानोयं जातोनेतः पुराक्वचित्॥ ५०
सतिमृत्पिण्ड चक्रादौ कुम्भ कर्तरि सत्यपि।
यत्तत्र कारणं कालः पदार्थानां प्रवर्तकः॥ ५१
काले तु सति जायेरन् सर्वेभावाश्च सर्वधा।
न कर्म कारणं तत्र तद्धि काले प्रत्र्तकम्॥ ५२
nākāle jāyate kaścin nākāle mriyatepi ca ||
cakrādivadghațotpattau tasmāt kālaḥ pravartakaḥ|
ghatassamjāyamānoyam jātonetah purākvacit || 50
satimſtpiņda cakrādau kumbha kartari satyapi |
yattatra kāranam kālah padārthānām pravartakah || 51
kāle tu sati jāyeran sarvebhāvāśca sarvadhā ||
na karma karanam tatra taddhi kāle pravrtakam || 52
In the absence of time, nothing originates. In the absence of time, nothing goes out of existence. Just like the potter's wheel, clay and such other things are the causes for the creation of pot, even so, the time serves as the cause for the origination of worldly objects. With regard to the created pot, it was not seen before its creation even though the lump of clay, wheel and other such things and the potter were there. In spite of the presence of all these, that in the absence of which the pot was not created is to be known as time. That which serves as the cause for the appearance of the object is known to be time. Time prompts and functions for the origination of things. By all means it is seen that all the objects such as pot, cloth and so forth originate in appropriate time only because of the presence of Time. In the creation of objects, concerned activity(karma) is not the cause. Even that activity does not take place in the absence of time. Every activity takes place only because of the presence of time.
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